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SA Government school size by enrolments

SA Government school size by number of students enrolled from 2012, collected as part of the annual enrolment data collection in Term 3.

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Additional Info

Field Value
Title SA Government school size by enrolments
Type Dataset
Language eng
Licence Creative Commons Attribution
Data Status active
Update Frequency annual
Landing Page https://data.sa.gov.au/data/dataset/1b45e38e-2c3f-4012-ae2d-bda673227f0a
Date Published 2018-05-11
Date Updated 2022-11-25
Data Granularity Aggregated by year and range
Temporal Coverage 2012-08-01 - 2021-08-01
Geospatial Coverage South Australia
Jurisdiction Government of South Australia
Data Portal data.sa.gov.au
Publisher/Agency Department for Education