Greater Adelaide Planning Region
The Greater Adelaide Planning Region is the planning region constituting Greater Adelaide (clause 5) established as part of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016. -
South Australian Retirement Villages Register
Information about registered retirement villages in South Australia including name, address and number of residences. Further information about retirement villages can be found... -
South Australian Housing Trust Annual Report – Work Health and Safety and Ret...
Work Health and Safety and Return to Work in SA Housing Authority. The data set includes: workforce injury claims, work health and safety regulations and return to work costs.... -
South Australian Housing Trust Annual Report – Public Complaints
Public complaints reported to the SA Housing Authority. The data set includes: complaint category, sub-category, example, number of complaints. Note: The South Australian... -
South Australian Housing Trust Annual Report – Public Interest Disclosure
The number of occasions on which public interest information has been disclosed to a responsible officer of the agency under the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2018. The data... -
South Australian Housing Trust Annual Report – Fraud
Fraud cases detected by SA Housing Authority. The data set includes: type of fraud, number of fraud cases. Note: The South Australian Housing Trust trades as SA Housing... -
South Australian Housing Trust Annual Report – Consultants
Consultants engaged by SA Housing Authority. The data set includes: consultants name, service provided and value ($) of service. Note: The South Australian Housing Trust trades... -
South Australian Housing Trust Annual Report – Executive Employment
Executive employment in the SA Housing Authority. The dataset includes: executive classifications levels (SAES, ECEC), number of executives. Note: The South Australian Housing... -
South Australian Housing Trust Annual Report – Contractors
Contractors engaged by SA Housing Authority. The data set includes: contractors name, service provided and value ($) of service. Note: The South Australian Housing Trust trades... -
South Australian Housing Trust Annual Report - National Reg Framework for CHPs
The number of community housing providers registered under the National regulatory system for community housing providers in South Australia. The National Regulatory System for... -
South Australian Housing Trust Annual Report - Memorandum of Understanding an...
The number of information exchanges between Housing SA and other State Government departments (SAPOL, Mental Health and Substance Abuse and Department for Correctional Services)... -
South Australian Housing Trust Annual Report - New Allocations
The number of tenants allocated into a public or Aboriginal property from the housing register. Tenants were housed on either on a probationary, a direct lease or a short term... -
South Australian Housing Trust Annual Report – Regulation of Housing Standards
All residential properties must meet the minimum standards in the Housing Improvement Act 2016. The Housing Safety Authority can declare a property to be substandard. -
South Australian Housing Trust Annual Report - Community Housing Contributions
Community Housing contributions are received and receivable from associations and co-operatives. Contributions are paid to the South Australian Housing Trust once allowances for...