Land Use Generalised
This layer is a general parcel-based land use derived from the valuation information and land parcel boundaries. The land use code from the valuation has been categorised into... -
Land Development Zones
IMPORTANT NOTE: Land Development Zones falls under the Development Act 1993 and has been superseded by the Planning and Design Code Zones under the Planning, Development and... -
Industrial Land
Land located wholly or partially in industrial zones, including anticipated future industrial zones, and assessed as either vacant, agricultural or developed. -
Bushfire Protection Areas
IMPORTANT NOTE: The Bushfire Protection Areas falls under the Development Act 1993 and has been superseded by the Bushfire Overlays (found in Planning and Design Code Overlays)... -
Property Boundaries
Provides locations and land boundaries / cadastre of each property within the Adelaide City Council area. Note only contains site designated as common property for Strata and... -
Planning Zones and Policy Areas
Provides locations and details of planning zones and policy areas of the Adelaide City area as per the Adelaide City Development Plan. Co-ordinate System: Geographic Coordinate...