Registered Vehicles by Postcode
Registered vehicles by postcode, vehicle make, body type, number of cylinders, year of manufacture When communicating with the Department about this dataset, please reference... -
Adelaide Metro Bus, Train and Tram Complaints per 100k boardings
The number of bus, train and tram specific complaints received each quarter per 100,000 boardings. -
Adelaide Metro Feedback Response Performance
The total number of feedbacks (including making a complaint or suggestion, or expressing appreciation) received via the Adelaide Metro website, InfoLine and InfoCentre, and the... -
Adelaide Metro Infoline Performance
The number of incoming Adelaide Metro Infoline calls per quarter from January 2016 and the percentage answered within 2 minutes. These calls relate to numerous specific public... -
Adelaide Metro Enquiries Response Performance
The number of enquiries received per quarter from January 2016 and the percentage answered within two days. Enquiries relate to online enquiries regarding public transport... -
Drivers' Licences by postcode, age and sex
Current car, motorcycle and other drivers' licences of all types (full, provisional, etc.) When communicating with the Department about this dataset, please reference TRLB05. -
Traffic Volumes
Estimated traffic volume information along sealed South Australian roads. Traffic Volumes is the sum of traffic travelling in both directions on a two way road passing a... -
Driver Licensing - Practical Driving Tests
Reporting of each driver licence class the number of tests that had a cancelled, failed, non-attendance, pass result recorded for each year from 2018 onwards. Each class and... -
Driver Licensing - Competency Based Training and Assessment (CBT&A)
Competency Based Training and Assessment – is a system of training and assessment conducted by an Authorised Examiner whereby the applicant must successfully complete a series... -
Driver Licensing - Vehicle on Road Test (VORT)
The number of driver license applicants that successfully passed a Vehicle on Road Test (VORT) on their first attempt or on more than one occasion for classes Car, Light Rigid,... -
Road Crash Locations in SA
Sites of Road Crashes in South Australia. -
Travel time performance indicators
Travel time surveys are conducted annually on ten metropolitan Adelaide arterial road routes using the ‘floating car’ technique. They are conducted on weekdays during both the... -
Travel Speed in Metropolitan Adelaide
Travel time surveys are conducted annually on ten metropolitan Adelaide arterial road routes using the ‘floating car’ technique. They are conducted on weekdays during both the... -
Adelaide Metrocard Validations
Total onboard validations (banded) by date, mode, route, direction, stop and media type -
Registered Vehicles by Colour
Registered vehicles by colour, make, body type and year of manufacturer. When communicating with the Department about this dataset, please reference TRLB07. -
Disability Parking Permits by Postcode
The number of disability parking permits issued by postcode When communicating with the Department about this dataset, please reference TRLB06. -
Proof of Age cards
Proof of age cards by age, suburb and postcode -
Top 40 arterial road sections for heavy vehicles
This ranking lists the 40 busiest arterial sections of road in terms of heavy vehicles. This dataset is restricted to the prescribed years below and will not be updated. -
Top 40 arterial road intersections for heavy vehicles
This ranking lists the 40 busiest at grade arterial road intersections in terms of heavy vehicle exposure. This dataset is restricted to the prescribed years below and will not... -
Traffic volumes on top 40 intersections in SA
A ranking of the top 40 intersections based on the number of vehicles passing through each intersection.