Childhood Education and Care
This publication presents information on children aged 0-12 years and their families. Information presented includes: use of formal and informal care; cost and duration of care;... -
This annual product contains data on the numbers of schools, students, and staff involved in the provision or administration of school education in government and non-government... -
Education and Child Development Sites and Services
List of South Australian education and child care sites, updated as at March 2013. -
Australian Early Development Index
The Australian Early Development Index (AEDI) is a measure of how young children are developing in Australian communities. It involves collecting information to help create a... -
SASP Target 15 - Aboriginal education – early years
Increase yearly the proportion of Aboriginal children reading at age appropriate levels at the end of Year 1. -
SASP target 98 - Business research expenditure
Increase business expenditure on research and development to 1.5% of GSP by 2014, and increase to 2.0% by 2020. -
SASP target 97 - University Research Income
Increase the total gross value of university research income to 20% above South Australia's per capita share by 2014 and maintain thereafter. -
SASP Target 93 -Tertiary education and training
Increase the proportion of South Australians aged 15 - 64 participating in tertiary education and training to 17% by 2016. -
SASP Target 92 - Science, technology, engineering and mathematics qualifications
Increase the number of domestic students completing undergraduate qualifications in specified science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields of education by 15... -
SASP Target 91 - Non-school Qualifications
By 2014, equal or better the national average for the proportion of the labour force with non-school qualifications and maintain thereafter. -
SASP Target 90 - Share of Overseas Students
Increase the number of overseas students across all education and training sectors from 13 737 in 2003 to 45 000 by 2014. -
SASP Target 89 - SACE or Equivalent
Increase yearly the proportion of 15 -19 year olds who achieve the SACE or comparable senior secondary qualification. -
SASP Target 88 - Science and Maths
By 2020, increase by 15% the number of students receiving an Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank or equivalent in at least one of the following subjects: mathematics, physics or... -
SASP Target 87 - Reading, writing and numeracy
By 2020, for reading, writing and numeracy, increase by five percentage points the proportion of South Australian students who achieve: above the National Minimum Standard and... -
SASP Target 55 - Apprentices
Increase the number of apprentice completions in trade occupations by 20% by 2020. -
SASP Target 48 - Ageing Workforce Participation
Increase the proportion of older South Australians who are engaged in the workforce by 10 percentage points by 2020. -
SASP Target 47 - Jobs
Increase employment by 2% each year from 2010 to 2016. -
SASP Target 28 - Aboriginal Leadership
Increase the number of Aboriginal South Australians participating in community leadership and in community leadership development programs. -
SASP Target 14 - Early Childhood - Year One Literacy
Achieve a 10% improvement in the number of children reading at an age appropriate level by the end of Year 1 and maintain thereafter