Enrolments by school
Enrolments in SA Government schools collected as part of the annual enrolment data collection in Term 3. Enrolments are full-time equivalents (FTE) from 2009. Important notes:... -
Thriving Communities Indicator Dataset
Indicators describing the levels of different aspects of wellbeing within the South Australian population: Children -Children aged less than 15 years living in jobless families,... -
Families and Income
The data file presents counts of families in different income and family composition categories based on their place of usual residence, from 2011 Census of Population and Housing. -
Education and Child Development Sites and Services
List of South Australian education and child care sites, updated as at March 2013. -
Preschool Eligible Enrolments
List of South Australian Government Preschools with the number of children enrolled in their eligible year, as at the most recent data collection (Term 3 2012). -
Australian Early Development Index
The Australian Early Development Index (AEDI) is a measure of how young children are developing in Australian communities. It involves collecting information to help create a... -
From data.gov.au DSS Payments by Commonwealth Electoral Division
This is a machine readable file containing DSS payments by 2021 Commonwealth Electoral Division (CED) for use in National Map. Please see the DSS Benefit and Payment Recipient... -
From data.gov.au DSS Payments by Statistical Area 2
This is a machine readable file containing DSS payments by 2021 Statistical Area 2 (SA2) for use in National Map. Please see the DSS Benefit and Payment Recipient Demographics... -
From data.gov.au Golden Plains Kindergartens
Point data of kindergartens within the Golden Plains Shire. Although all due care has been taken to ensure that this data is correct, no warranty is expressed or implied by the... -
From data.gov.au Pram Ramps
A geo-spatial layer depicting the location of pram ramps maintained by the City of Gold Coast. The details are as at June 2015. Please note that as part of the atttribution of...