Crime statistics
Suburb-based crime statistics for crimes against the person and crimes against property. The Crime statistics datasets contain all offences against the person and property that... -
Our Community
Statistical information about house crime rates in Onkaparinga -
Recorded Crime - Offenders
Offender statistics provide data relating to the number and characteristics of alleged offenders who have been proceeded against by police during the 12 month reference period.... -
Crime Victimisation
Summary data about victims for a selected range of personal and household offences including assault, threatened assault, personal robbery, sexual assault, household break-in,... -
Prisoner Characteristics
Contains national information on prisoners who were in custody on 30 June each year. The statistics are derived from information collected by the ABS from corrective services... -
Criminal Courts
Contains national information on defendants finalised in the Higher (Supreme and Intermediate), Magistrates' and Children's criminal courts between 1 July and 30 June each year.... -
SASP Target 17 - Statewide crime rates
Reduce victim reported crime by 38% by 2014, maintaining or improving thereafter. -
Criminal and Civil Matters
Lodgement, finalisation and matters pending for the Criminal and Civil jurisdictions of the South Australia Supreme, District, Magistrate and Youth Courts. Counting rules are... -
From data.gov.au NSW Crime data
New South Wales Crimes by offence type, month and Local Government Area. -
From data.gov.au Tasmanian Offenders in Custody
Point in time snap shot of the Tasmanian prison population as at 16 December 2016 by legal status, security classification, Indigenous status, and country of birth. -
From data.gov.au Indicator Reporting Information System (IRIS)
Provides de-identified client and matter information related to legal services delivered by Indigenous Legal Assistance Programme service providers More information about this... -
From data.gov.au DVS Volume of Use and Response
Transactional data of the Document Verification Service. This information provides the number of requests to verify different ID document types. The data includes the date, time... -
From data.gov.au Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Camera Locations - City of Greater Geelong
CCTV camera monitoring system which includes 40-plus cameras in the CBD which record 24/7. The cameras are monitored by council staff at peak times.These staff are in two-way...