11 datasets found

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  • Industrial Land

    Land located wholly or partially in industrial zones, including anticipated future industrial zones, and assessed as either vacant, agricultural or developed.
  • EPA Licensed Activities

    The Environment Protection Authority (EPA) Licensed Activities dataset contains the approximate point locations of facilities licensed by the EPA, and activity codes as per...
  • National Regional Profile

    The National Regional Profile (NRP) presents data for 2010-14 for Local Government Areas, Australian Statistical Geography Standard regions (Statistical Areas 2, 3 and 4, and...
  • From data.gov.au Regional Statistics by Local Government Area (LGA)

    The National Regional Profile presents a standard set of data for a range of geographies, at this case at LGA level. The NRP is intended for users interested in the...
  • From data.gov.au Merchandise Imports ($ Thousand)

    Australia's international merchandise trade statistics record goods which add to or subtract from the stock of material resources of Australia by entering (imports) or leaving...
  • From data.gov.au Merchandise Exports - ($ Thousand)

    Australia's international merchandise trade statistics record goods which add to or subtract from the stock of material resources of Australia by entering (imports) or leaving...
  • From data.gov.au International Investment Position

    International investment position statistics are produced using information from a wide range of data sources. These include administrative data from various government...
  • From data.gov.au Industry interface area

    This layer is displayed on the Industry, community infrastructure and agriculture land interface area overlay map in City Plan version 7 as 'Industry interface area'. The layer...
  • From data.gov.au Lending Finance by Industry

    This publication presents statistics on finance commitments made by significant lenders for the purposes of secured housing finance for owner occupation, other personal finance,...
  • From data.gov.au Private New Capital Expenditure and Expected Expenditure

    Preliminary estimates derived from a sample survey of private businesses. Contains estimates of actual and expected new capital expenditure by type of asset (new buildings and...
  • From data.gov.au Business Indicators

    Contains quarterly estimates of profits, income from the sale of goods and services, wages and salaries, and the book value of inventories. These data are classified by broad...
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