Bushfire Protection Areas
IMPORTANT NOTE: The Bushfire Protection Areas falls under the Development Act 1993 and has been superseded by the Bushfire Overlays (found in Planning and Design Code Overlays)... -
Community Safety Education Engagements
Data includes the number of participants in the program over the last 5 years. -
South Australian Housing Trust Annual Report – Work Health and Safety and Ret...
Work Health and Safety and Return to Work in SA Housing Authority. The data set includes: workforce injury claims, work health and safety regulations and return to work costs.... -
Bike Routes
Displays the bicycle routes located in the Adelaide City Council area. Information provided includes the primary bicycle network, important secondary roads and secondary... -
Bike and Pedestrian Paths
Displays the bicycle and pedestrian paths located throughout the Adelaide Park Lands surrounding the city. Information provided includes the path type ie. informal, path,... -
Bike Cordon Counts
Count of the number of bikes coming into and out of the city via major roads over a 12 hour period between 7am and 7pm. This cordon count (count of trips in and out of a... -
CFS Brigade Incidents
SA Country Fire Service responds to a range of incidents across South Australia. This data set provides information on incidents attended by CFS. -
Statewide Road Network including sealed and unsealed roads. The dataset represents navigable roads, including public and private access roads and tracks. A separate data layer... -
CFS Current Incidents RSS Feed
SA Country Fire Service responds to a range of incidents across South Australia. Our current incidents are provided in an RSS feed. -
South Australian Fire Ban Districts
South Australia has been divided into 15 fire weather districts, which are used by the Bureau of Meteorology and the SA CFS to provide daily fire danger ratings. -
Bike Direct Network
BikeDirect is a strategic network of bicycle routes across the Adelaide metropolitan region in a variety of formats. -
Work Health and Safety Performance
Agency gross workers compensation expenditure for current year compared with previous year. -
Household Hazardous Waste
The dataset shows the quantities of hazardous waste turned in by private individuals. Quantities are not accepted from commercial sources. This data represents hazardous waste... -
SASP Target 21 - Greater Safety at Work
Achieve a 40% reduction in injury by 2012 and a further 50% reduction by 2022. -
From data.gov.au CCTV Camera Register
Council has camera surveillance systems across the City. This register outlines their general location and purpose. The community can apply for access to the surveillance... -
From data.gov.au Common Alerting Protocol - Australia ( CAP-AU-STD ) - warnings data - XML enc...
For the authoritative metadata record for the CAP-AU standard, see: http://www.bom.gov.au/metadata/19115/ANZCW0503900539. For further information about the CAP-AU standard,... -
From data.gov.au Australian Infrastructure Statistics Yearbook
The Australian Infrastructure Statistics Yearbook provides a single comprehensive source of Australian infrastructure statistics time series statistics for measures of... -
From data.gov.au Ballarat Right to the Night
Point data for location of feedback of safety experiences with us between March and May 2018, CDB locations that made respondents feel safe or unsafe. Although all due care has...