South Australian Museum - Australian Helminthological Collection
The Australian Helminthological Collection (AHC) of the South Australian Museum includes approximately 42,000 registered lots of helminths (e.g. nematodes, tapeworms, and other... -
The South Australian government record of Earthquake locations from 1840 to 2017 -
South Australian Museum Ichthyology Collection
The South Australian Museum fish collection is comprised of over eleven thousand registered lots. The collection has a strong regional focus with freshwater fishes of southern... -
South Australian Museum Ornithology Collection
This section houses over 55,000 registered and 6,000 unregistered specimens including skins, eggs, skeletons, nests and spirit collections. It has an excellent collection of... -
South Australian Museum Mammalogy Collection
There are over 24,000 specimens in this collection, including skulls, skins, skeletons, spirit specimens, photographs and frozen tissue. It includes over 1600 marine mammals and... -
South Australian Museum Herpetology Collection
Over 70,000 specimens have been registered in this collection, which has a particular emphasis on South Australian and arid zone fauna. A second major regional focus is... -
South Australian Museum Arachnology Collection
The Arachnology Collection at the South Australian Museum contains around 300,000 arachnids as well as many centipedes and millipedes (Myriapoda). Of these around 56,000 have... -
Investigating the effects of moving plants around a greenhouse (archived)
The Australian Plant Phenomics Facility (APPF) is a national, collaborative, scientific research facility and provides state-of-the-art phenotyping tools and expertise to help... -
South Australian Museum Marine Invertebrates collection
The Marine invertebrates collection is currently represented by 23 phyla and holds more than one million specimen lots including 1,700 holotypes, 11,300 secondary types, 33,000... -
South Australian Museum Minerals Collection
This collection includes approximately 33000 registered mineral specimens representing the range of minerals found in South Australia. More than 1500 species are represented,... -
South Australian Museum Terrestrial Invertebrate Collection
The collection has Australia-wide and Indo-Pacific representation, plus some world specimens for comparative purposes. The collection comprises 1200000 pinned specimens, 450000... -
South Australian Museum Meteorite Collection
The meteorite collection contains representative material from over 150 Australian and overseas meteorites, with the focus mainly on those that have been found in South... -
SASP Target 92 - Science, technology, engineering and mathematics qualifications
Increase the number of domestic students completing undergraduate qualifications in specified science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields of education by 15... -
SASP Target 88 - Science and Maths
By 2020, increase by 15% the number of students receiving an Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank or equivalent in at least one of the following subjects: mathematics, physics or... -
From data.gov.au Higher Education Research Data Collection
The dataset includes Research income and Publications data, collected from eligible higher education providers through the Higher Education Research Data Collection. The data is... -
From data.gov.au National Survey of Research Commercialisation 2000-2015
The National Survey of Research Commercialisation (NSRC), which has been conducted since 2000, collects data on the commercialisation activities of publicly funded research... -
From data.gov.au National Research Infrastructure - October 2018