Frequency of suspensions per student
The frequency of students suspended from SA Government schools during Term 2. Data is from 2012 onwards. Suspension from school means that the student does not attend school for... -
Proportion of student population suspended, excluded or expelled
Proportion of the total school student population that were suspended, excluded or expelled during Term 2, from 2012 onwards until 2023. Suspension from school means that the... -
Reasons for student suspension
Reasons for students being suspended during Term 2, from 2012 (eg acted illegally, violence). Suspension from school means that the student does not attend school for a period... -
Enrolments by gender and year level
Annual enrolments in SA Government schools from 2017 by gender and year level, collected as part of the annual enrolment data collection in Term 3. Enrolments are full-time... -
Enrolments by School Type
Full-time equivalent enrolments at SA Government schools from 2012 by school type, collected as part of the annual enrolment data collection in Term 3. -
Enrolments by year level and region
Full-time equivalent enrolments in SA Government schools from 2013 by year level and region (metro, country), collected as part of the annual enrolment data collection in Term 3. -
Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students by school type
Full-time equivalent enrolments of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students by type of school, collected as part of the annual enrolment data collection in Term 3, from... -
Student attendance by year level
Student attendance during semester 1 in SA Government schools by year level. Data represents attendance rates for semester 1 of each year from 2012. Important notes: •... -
Students with a disability by school year level and region
Full-time equivalent enrolments of students with a disability from 2013 by school year and region, collected as part of the annual enrolment data collection in Term 3. Students... -
Students with a disability by school year level
Full-time equivalent enrolments of students with a disability by school year level from 2012, collected as part of the annual enrolment data collection in Term 3. Students with... -
Specific student populations with a disability
Full-time equivalent enrolments of students with a disability who are members of specific populations, collected from 2013 as part of the annual enrolment data collection in... -
Students with a disability by educational setting
Full-time equivalent enrolments of students with a verified disability by education setting, collected from 2012 as part of the annual enrolment data collection in Term 3.... -
Intensive English Language Program / New Arrivals Program
Full-time equivalent enrolments accessing the Intensive English Language Program at Primary School (IELP) or New Arrivals Program at Secondary School (NAP), collected from 2012...