Adelaide Metro Real-Time Passenger Information
‘This link contains Stop Specific Real-Time information for buses, trains and trams for the Adelaide metro network. Real-Time is a free, convenient and easy to use service.... -
Street Map Web Service (GovHack 2017 Pilot) (Archived Oct 2017)
GovHack 2017 Web service pilot - StreetMap A South Australian Street Basemap Service provides an underlying map with authoritative street locations and names. You can overlay... -
National Address Locator Web Service (Pilot GovHack 2017) (Archived Oct 2017)
The service validates addresses and returns the standardised address, their locations (X,Y coordinates) and match score. These coordinates can be used with the Location SA... -
Detection of Vehicle-based Bluetooth devices (sample only)
This dataset defines when a Probe was detected at a Bluetooth Site. The sample data contains one week of records from 8 June 2017 to 14 June 2017 inclusive. For Bluetooth... -
Traffic Lane Vehicle Counts at Signalised Intersections and Pedestrian Crossi...
The lane count data for Signalised Intersections and Pedestrian Crossings from 8 June 2017 to 14 June 2017. Behind the stop line at most signalised location there are loops that... -
National ABS Census Boundaries Web Service (Pilot GovHack 2017)
This service identifies 2016 ABS census (ASGS) boundaries at a location coordinated point. Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) service is a point in a polygon. The...