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Dataset Dataset Formats Views Downloads
On Street Parking Zones CSV KMZ 39406 8327
Metro median house sales XLSX CSV XLS 33301 6636
Crime statistics CSV 31643 7314
Popular Baby Names CSV DOC 26799 4477
Expiation Notice System Data CSV 23630 3857
Suburbs Map Viewer HTML SHP KML GeoJSON CSV 15773 4489
3D Model of the City of Adelaide 12781 1235
Road Crash Data PDF CSV 11410 2916
Land Development Zones Map Viewer HTML SHP KML GeoJSON 11172 2768
Soils (soil type) KMZ GeoJSON PDF HTML 10979 2133
Roads Map Viewer HTML SHP KML GeoJSON 10841 3643
Hundred maps JPEG 10700 1269
Traffic Volumes Map Viewer HTML KML GeoJSON SHP 9752 2753
CFS Current Incidents RSS Feed RSS JSON KMZ 9027 258
Local Government Areas Map Viewer SHP KML GeoJSON 7984 2492
South Australian Fire Ban Districts KML GeoJSON SHP Map Viewer 7636 1251
Aerial Imagery - Greater Adelaide 1949 JPEG 6681 1878
State Maintained Roads Map Viewer HTML SHP KML GeoJSON 6584 1061
Index of Educational Disadvantage by school CSV 5995 687
Road Crash Locations in SA Map Viewer GeoJSON SHP KML 5972 1642
Metropolitan Adelaide Boundary (Development Act 1993) Map Viewer HTML SHP GeoJSON KML 5732 446
Statewide Rail Network Map Viewer HTML SHP KML GeoJSON 5703 1532
Adelaide Metro Real-Time Passenger Information PDF HTML JSON 5683 980
Design Wind Speed Map Viewer HTML SHP KML GeoJSON 5535 687
Waste - Recyling - Green Waste - Collection Dates JSP 5479 226
Bushfire Protection Areas Map Viewer HTML SHP KML GeoJSON 5441 1214
SA Government Regions CSV 5284 1363
Property Boundaries KMZ CSV SHP 5219 992
Shipwrecks SHP KMZ GeoJSON HTML Map Viewer 5040 1071
SA Heritage Places Map Viewer HTML SHP KML GeoJSON Other 4604 1110
Local History Photo Collection - Port Adelaide Enfield Mixed Formats GeoJSON 4388 670
Annual Reporting Data CSV 4257 1441
Flood Mapping JSP 4237 315
Population Projections for SA Map Viewer PDF XLSX XLS 4137 1453
Survey Marks and Survey Mark Plans (Reference) SHP KML GeoJSON 4111 1194
Land Use Generalised Map Viewer HTML SHP KML GeoJSON 4071 1345
Adelaide Metrocard Validations CSV application/zip Other DOC 4032 1446
Groundwater Aquifers SHP KMZ GeoJSON HTML Map Viewer 3872 742
Public Housing Waiting List Selected Areas by Category 2014 CSV 3731 289
Street Trees KMZ CSV SHP 3689 813
Land Division Applications Map Viewer HTML SHP KML GeoJSON 3685 962
Adelaide Public Transport Stop Data Map Viewer SHP KML GeoJSON 3577 1146
CFS Current Incidents RSS Feed RSS JSON KMZ 3534 258
SA Public and Private Acute Hospitals Locations SHP CSV Map Viewer 3501 1071
Development Application Register CSV 3437 610
Building Height Restrictions KMZ CSV 3277 772
Place names (State Gazetteer) Map Viewer HTML SHP KML GeoJSON 3267 954
Bushfires and Prescribed Burns History SHP KMZ GeoJSON HTML 3242 983
Property Database CSV 3218 408
Tourism Visitor Statistics XLSX 3186 698
State Electorates Map Viewer HTML SHP KML GeoJSON 3117 576
Adelaide Metro General Transit Feed API 3112 96
Historic Photos of Adelaide XML CSV PDF KML ZIP 3106 1107
Boat Registrations XLSX XLS CSV 3065 533
Rest Areas 2014 SHP 3036 604
Depth to Watertable (soils) SHP KMZ GeoJSON PDF HTML 3031 557
Parking Expiations Issued by Adelaide City Council CSV 3015 419
Expiation Notice System Data CSV 2947 3857
Watercourses in South Australia SHP KMZ GeoJSON HTML 2857 1053
Residential Code Map Viewer HTML SHP KML GeoJSON 2775 702
Schools XLS HTML 2772 940
Registered Vehicles by Body Type CSV XLSX 2762 591
South Australian Cancer Registry XLSX 2739 478
South Australian Retirement Villages Register XLSX CSV 2668 1046
SA Ambulance Service reported ambulance incidents by priority XLSX 2654 79
Conservation Reserve Boundaries SHP KMZ GeoJSON HTML 2500 880
Water Quality XLSX 2498 575
Recent Air Quality RSS 2476 503
South Australian Monitoring and Surveillance System: Target, Trends at a glance & Indicator reports XLSX 2464 740
On Street Parking Zones CSV KMZ 2354 8327
UPark Car Parks - Available Spaces XML 2314 598
Waterbodies in South Australia SHP KMZ GeoJSON HTML 2291 1136
Country Health SA Local Health Network CSV 2262 188
Australian Tourism Data Warehouse API API 2220 794
Recreation Trails SHP KMZ GeoJSON GPX HTML 2163 658
City of Adelaide Contours 2160 412
Jetties 2120 398
South Australian Major Mines/Quarries and Mineral Projects Mixed Spatial F HTML WMS WFS 2116 324
Centrelink Office Locations TXT 2036 300
Council Ward Maps Map Viewer 2016 328
Surface Water Catchments SHP KMZ GeoJSON HTML Map Viewer 1986 586
Traffic Signals Map Viewer HTML SHP KML GeoJSON 1986 544
Dog Registrations CSV 1984 789
Last Bushfire and Prescribed Burn Boundaries SHP KMZ GeoJSON HTML 1959 487
Suburbs Map Viewer HTML SHP KML GeoJSON CSV 1941 4489
City of Adelaide Census of Land Use and Employment CSV 1867 483
Legislative Database Update Package (XML) XML application/zip PDF 1834 849
Air Quality Monitoring Sites SHP KMZ GeoJSON HTML Map Viewer 1788 388
Major and Minor Roads KMZ SHP 1761 743
Historic Photos of Adelaide XML CSV PDF KML ZIP 1757 1107
South Australian State Budget 2017-18 PDF 1750 405
Government Towns Map Viewer HTML SHP KML GeoJSON 1745 500
Waste Management CSV 1732 329
Bike Direct Network Map Viewer HTML SHP KML GeoJSON 1718 577
  • "Views" is the number of times a page was loaded in users' browsers. ("Pageview" is the technical term.)
  • "Downloads" is the number of times a user has clicked "Download" (or "Direct Link") for a resource (or cache of it) for a particular dataset. Download information is available from 2nd December 2012; "No data" is shown for records before that date. Unpublished and a few published datasets have no resource links and therefore no downloads.
  • These usage statistics are confined to users with javascript enabled, which excludes web crawlers and API calls.
  • The results are not shown when the number of views/visits is tiny. Where these relate to site pages, results are available in full in the CSV download. Where these relate to users' web browser information, results are not disclosed, for privacy reasons.