Survey Marks and Survey Mark Plans (Reference)
Survey Marks and their related Survey Plans administered under the Survey Act 1992 to provide a control network for land surveys underpinning the State's cadastre. The... -
Planned urban lands to 2045 (Urban Boundary)
The Planned urban lands to 2045 is the outer limit for areas to be considered for urban development as shown in the 30 Year Plan for Greater Adelaide 2017 Update. More... -
Local Government Areas
The location and extent of the local government areas (Councils) within South Australia in a variety of formats. -
Irrigation Divisions
An Irrigation Division refers to a unit of land inside an Irrigation Area within South Australia that is administered under the Irrigation Act for irrigation purposes. -
Irrigation Areas
An Irrigation Area is an area within South Australia that is administered under the Irrigation Act for irrigation purposes. -
Future Urban Growth Areas
Future Urban Growth Areas are areas that have been identified for urban expansion in the 30 Year Plan for Greater Adelaide 2017 Update. More information:... -
Environment and Food Production Areas
Environment and Food Production Areas (EFPAs) were introduced to protect vital agricultural lands surrounding metropolitan Adelaide from urban encroachment. Further information... -
Crop Reporting Districts
Primary Industries and Regions South Australia (PIRSA) publishes a report on the condition of Crops and Pastures in South Australia bi-monthly. The Crop Reporting Districts... -
Woomera Prohibited Area
The outer boundary of the Woomera Prohibited Area (WPA)