Traffic Volumes
Estimated traffic volume information along sealed South Australian roads. Traffic Volumes is the sum of traffic travelling in both directions on a two way road passing a... -
Road Crash Locations in SA
Sites of Road Crashes in South Australia. -
Functional Hierarchy for South Australia's Land Transport Network
The functional hierarchy identifies which corridors are important for different modes of transport. It will guide the use of road and rail space to improve safety and efficiency... -
Statewide Road Network including sealed and unsealed roads. The dataset represents navigable roads, including public and private access roads and tracks. A separate data layer... -
State Maintained Roads
The State Maintained Roads dataset is derived from the TopoRoad dataset that is jointly maintained by DEWNR & DPTI. The Common Road Referencing System (CRRS) assigns a... -
Statewide Rail Network
Statewide Rail network in a variety of formats. -
Bike Direct Network
BikeDirect is a strategic network of bicycle routes across the Adelaide metropolitan region in a variety of formats. -
Road Route Numbers (Trail Blazer)
Location of selected metropolitan and rural roads and highways identified to provide information to tourists and other visitors to assist lead them to a destination along a... -
Road Maintenance Markers
DPTI Road Maintenance Marker locations are physical markers along the road corridor to allow field personal to locate features along a road. Physical features are a star dropper... -
Roadside Significant Sites
The Roadside Significant Sites Database contains a spatial representation of sites of natural and cultural significance located along roads based on information contained in... -
Pedestrian Crossings
South Australian intersections pedestrian crossing locations and information. -
Traffic Signals
South Australian intersections traffic signal locations and information. -
School Crossings
South Australian intersections school crossing locations and information. -
Railside Significant Sites
The Railside Significant Sites contains a spatial representation of known sites of natural and cultural significance located along railway lines based on information contained... -
Adelaide Public Transport Stop Data
The dataset contains public transport stop data for buses, trains and trams in shapefile, geojson and kml format. -
Rest Areas - State Maintained
Sites of the location of State Maintained Rest Areas in South Australia