SASP Target 46 - Regional Population Levels
Increase regional populations, outside of Greater Adelaide, by 20 000 to 320 000 or more by 2020. -
SASP Target 45- Total Population
Increase South Australia’s population to 2 million by 2027. -
SASP Target 43 - Defence Employment
Increase defence and defence industry annual contribution to our economy to $2.5 billion and employment to 37 000 people by 2020. -
SASP Target 42 - Minerals production and processing
Increase the value of minerals production and processing to $10 billion by 2020. -
SASP Target 73 - Recycled Stormwater
South Australia has the system capacity to harvest up to 35 GL of stormwater per annum by 2025. -
SASP Target 41 - Mineral Exploration
Exploration expenditure in South Australia to be maintained in excess of $200 million per annum until 2015. -
SASP target 94 - Venture Capital
Achieve a cumulative total of 100 private equity investments into South Australian companies between 2011 and 2020. -
SASP Target 40 - Food Industry
Grow the contribution made by the South Australian food industry to $20 billion by 2020. -
SASP Target 39 - Competitive Business Climate
Maintain Adelaide’s rating as the least costly place to set up and do business in Australia and continue to improve our position internationally. -
SASP Target 44 - Aboriginal Land - Native Title
Resolve 80% of native title claims by 2020. -
SASP Target 26 - Early childhood – birth weight
Reduce the proportion of low birth weight babies and halve the proportion of Aboriginal low birth weight babies by 2020. -
SASP Target 25 - Support for people with a disability
Triple the number of people with a disability able to access self-managed funding by 2016. -
SASP Target 24 - Volunteering
Maintain a high level of formal and informal volunteering in South Australia at 70% participation rate or higher. -
SASP Target 22 - Road Safety
Reduce road fatalities and serious injuries by at least 30% by 2020. -
SASP Target 27 - Understanding of Aboriginal Culture
Aboriginal cultural studies is included in school curriculum by 2016 with involvement of Aboriginal people in design and delivery. -
SASP Target 28 - Aboriginal Leadership
Increase the number of Aboriginal South Australians participating in community leadership and in community leadership development programs. -
SASP Target 29 - Elections
Increase the percentage of women nominating to stand in local, state and federal government elections in South Australia to 50% by 2014. -
SASP Target 30 - Boards and Committees
Increase the number of women on all State Government boards and committees to 50% on average by 2014, and maintain thereafter by ensuring that 50% of women are appointed, on... -
SASP Target 31 - Chairs of Boards and Committees
Increase the number of women chairing State Government boards and committees to 50% by 2014. -
SASP Target 21 - Greater Safety at Work
Achieve a 40% reduction in injury by 2012 and a further 50% reduction by 2022.