History Festival Archive
The History Festival is held every year in May. This dataset contains an archive of festival events for 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016. -
Community History Live Stream
The community history website is a place for community organisations, historical groups and individuals to come together to share their interests in and explore South... -
Adelaide Metro General Transit Feed
The General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) defines a common format for public transportation schedules and associated geographic information. GTFS "feeds" allow public... -
Passengers in History
Passengers in History brings together two wonderful resources: A passengers data base developed by the SA Maritime Museum, A list of ships’ logs and diaries, titled Log of... -
API Statewide Local Government Datasets
The data provided comes from the Local Government Association of South Australia’s statewide Metabase which is part of its Electronic Services Program initiative. For more... -
SARIG Open Data and Product Catalogue
The South Australian Resources Information Gateway (SARIG) open data and product catalog uses the metadata profile of ISO19115 and allows you to discover and query metadata,... -
South Australians of World War 1 Photographs Flickr set
A selection (542) of portraits of soldiers. This set of portraits comes from our Chamberlain Collection and includes portraits of Soldiers prior to embarkation in studios and at... -
Street Map Web Service (GovHack 2017 Pilot) (Archived Oct 2017)
GovHack 2017 Web service pilot - StreetMap A South Australian Street Basemap Service provides an underlying map with authoritative street locations and names. You can overlay... -
From data.gov.au Historical Australian Government Contract Notice Data
This is the historical contract notice (CN) data reported by Australian Government agencies for the years 1999 to 2020. The CN data has been sourced from the Gazette Publishing... -
From data.gov.au Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia
This collection of transcripts from Australian Prime Ministers contains approximately 20,000 individual speeches, media releases and other transcript items dating from the early... -
From data.gov.au Time Capsule Ballarat API
TimeCapsule helps us to better understand the things that people value about their places. Anyone can contribute - citizens, businesses, visitors, governments. TimeCapsule...