Executive Employment in the Department for Infrastructure and Transport
Number of people employed at an executive level by classification level. All references to DPTI are referring to the former name of the Department, namely the Department of... -
Department for Education Workforce Headcount and Employee Classification
Yearly snapshot of people employed by the Department for Education. Data is from the last pay period in June each year from 2014. Data includes: • Breakdown of workforce by... -
Executive employment in Education Standards Board
Executive employment in Education Standards Board -
Classification ASO6 and Above by Gender
Government Services Group (GSG) Workforce Report: PS Act Employees in GSG Classified ASO6 & Above by Gender as at December 2014. Government Services Group (GSG) previous... -
Classification by Appointment and Gender
Government Services Group (GSG): Workforce report of PS Act Employees in GSG by Stream, Appointment Type and Gender as at December 2014. GSG previously a business unit of the... -
From data.gov.au The Australian Land Use and Management Classification Version 8
This document presents version 8 of the Australian Land Use and Management (ALUM) Classification. This is a land use nomenclature and classification scheme for Australia,...