Suspensions, exclusions and expulsions
Count of students being suspended, excluded or expelled and number of incidents in each category during Term 2 of each year from 2012. Suspension from school means that the... -
Frequency of suspensions per student
The frequency of students suspended from SA Government schools during Term 2. Data is from 2012 onwards. Suspension from school means that the student does not attend school for... -
Proportion of student population suspended, excluded or expelled
Proportion of the total school student population that were suspended, excluded or expelled during Term 2, from 2012 onwards until 2023. Suspension from school means that the... -
Suspensions, exclusions and expulsions by year level
Number of suspension, exclusion or expulsion incidents by year level during Term 2, from 2013 up to 2023. Suspension from school means that the student does not attend school... -
Reasons for student suspension
Reasons for students being suspended during Term 2, from 2012 (eg acted illegally, violence). Suspension from school means that the student does not attend school for a period... -
Suspensions by age group and gender
Count of students suspended during Term 2 of each year from 2012, by gender and age group. Suspension from school means that the student does not attend school for a period of... -
SA Government preschool and school sites
SA Government preschool and school sites, with address information, longitude and latitude, school number and type of schooling (eg preschool, primary). Annual updates provided... -
Enrolments by gender and year level
Annual enrolments in SA Government schools from 2017 by gender and year level, collected as part of the annual enrolment data collection in Term 3. Enrolments are full-time... -
SA Government Schools Workforce Composition
The number of staff employed and full-time equivalents (FTE) at SA Government Schools in teaching and non-teaching roles, collected as part of the annual Term 3 data collection.... -
Qualification Levels of SA Government School Staff
The total number of qualifications for all staff (teaching and non-teaching) from 2016 to 2018. From 2019 includes the total number of qualifications for teaching staff only. A... -
2023 Annual Report data
2023 Annual Report data published by the SACE Board of South Australia. -
Work health and safety and return to work performance reporting by the Depart...
Work health and safety and return to work performance reporting by the Department for Education for the period 2017 to 2023 for annual reporting purposes. -
Contractors engaged by the Department for Education
Summary of contractors that have been engaged by the Department for Education, the nature of the work undertaken, and the total cost of the work undertaken for the period 2017... -
Attendance rate by school
Attendance rate for semester 1 in SA Government schools by school from 2014. Important notes: • Attendance rate = (number of days attending school / number of days enrolled) x... -
Category Ranking of SA Government Preschools
SA Government preschool by category ranking. Category Ranking is a priority assigned to each preschool to give an indication of the degree of social disadvantage and... -
Junior Primary class sizes by Index of Educational Disadvantage
Average junior primary class sizes in Term 3 by the Index of Educational Disadvantage of the school, from 2014. The most disadvantaged schools have an index of 1, the least... -
Junior Primary classes - number of students per class by class type
Proportion of Junior Primary classes with less than 20 or 26 students based on the roll class information from 2014 collected as part of the annual enrolment data collection in... -
Junior Primary class sizes by class type
Average class sizes by class type in Term 3 from 2013 based on the roll class information, collected as part of the annual enrolment data collection in Term 3. Class type... -
SA Government Schools by type and region
SA Government Schools by the type of school and whether they are located in the metropolitan area or in the country, from 2012. -
Enrolments by age and gender
Enrolments by student age in SA Government schools from 2013, collected as part of the annual enrolment data collection in Term 3. Student age is as at July 1. The data provides...