19th Century Photographs by Captain Samuel Sweet
These photographs (approximately 920) were taken by Captain Samuel Sweet, sea captain and photographer of colonial South Australia. Sweet began working as a photographer in... -
Significant South Australians Photographs
Selection of images (60) from the State Library of South Australia collections of Significant South Australians featuring selected men and women of Adelaide's North Terrace... -
19th Century Photographs by Townsend Duryea
The photographs (approximately 165) were taken by Townsend Duryea, a noted photographer of colonial South Australia. Duryea was active in South Australia 1855-1875. He and his... -
19th Century Photographs by Ernest Gall
The photographs (approximately 660) were taken by Ernest Gall, a South Australian born photographer active from the 1880s to the 1920s. In 1899 he was described as a ‘distinctly... -
From data.gov.au Disaster Events with Category Impact and Location
CSV format list of all Australian Emergency Management Knowledge Hub disaster events, including disaster category, impacts and geographic co-ordinates.