Crime statistics
Suburb-based crime statistics for crimes against the person and crimes against property. The Crime statistics datasets contain all offences against the person and property that... -
Property Boundaries
Provides locations and land boundaries / cadastre of each property within the Adelaide City Council area. Note only contains site designated as common property for Strata and... -
Street Map Web Service (GovHack 2017 Pilot) (Archived Oct 2017)
GovHack 2017 Web service pilot - StreetMap A South Australian Street Basemap Service provides an underlying map with authoritative street locations and names. You can overlay... -
Council Managed Buildings
Buildings Owned and buildings managed by City of Port Adelaide Enfield. Polygon spatial layer with attributes. Available in a variety of formats from Council's own open data... -
Number of Properties by Street and Suburb
Summary data showing a count of properties for each street and suburb in the City of Onkaparinga -
Number of Properties by Postcode
Summary data showing a count of properties for each postcode -
Number of Properties by Planning Zone
Summary data showing a count of properties for each planning zone in the Onkaparinga Development Plan -
Number of Properties by Land Use Code
Summary data showing a count of properties for each 4 digit land use code in the City of Onkaparinga -
Number of Properties by Suburb
Summary data showing a count of properties for each suburb in the City of Onkaparinga -
Bookable Reserves
A list of properties owned by the City of Onkaparinga that are bookable by the community for events and activities. Includes bookable facilities. -
Council Owned Properties
A list of properties owned by the City of Onkaparinga. -
No of Properties by Suburb and Land Use Code
Summary data showing a count of properties for each suburb and land use code -
Heritage Listed Properties
A list of properties in the City of Onkaparinga that are listed on the State or Local Heritage Registers. -
Number of Properties by Suburb and Planning Zone
Summary data showing a count of properties for each suburb and planning zone in the Onkaparinga Development Plan -
From data.gov.au Ballarat Property Build Years
Polygon data with build years of properties within Ballarat to 2005. Data no longer maintained. Although all due care has been taken to ensure that these data are correct, no... -
From data.gov.au Southern Grampians Property Planning Zones
A csv list of properties and planning zone and overlay overlaps -
From data.gov.au Property contracts - Lake Macquarie City Council
A listing of current Lake Macquarie City Council property contracts. This data is dynamically updated when contracts are made public. -
From data.gov.au Quarterly ADI Property Exposures statistics
This quarterly publication provides bank, credit union and building society aggregate statistics, comprising data on commercial property exposures, residential property... -
From data.gov.au Lending Finance by Purpose
This publication presents statistics on finance commitments made by significant lenders for the purposes of secured housing finance for owner occupation, other personal finance,... -
From data.gov.au Lending Finance by Industry
This publication presents statistics on finance commitments made by significant lenders for the purposes of secured housing finance for owner occupation, other personal finance,...