Popular Baby Names
List of male and female baby names in South Australia from 1944 to 2023. The annual data for baby names is published January/February each year. -
From data.gov.au Wyndham Registered Dogs/CatsCSV
Polygon data for each suburb counting registered dogs and cats in Wyndham. Although all due care has been taken to ensure that these data are correct, no warranty is expressed... -
From data.gov.au Registered Dogs - Greater Dandenong
Data for suburb, postcode, primary breed, primary colour, gender for registered dogs in Dandenong. While the City of Greater Dandenong has made every effort to ensure that this... -
From data.gov.au Registered Cats - Greater Dandenong
Data for suburb, postcode, primary breed, primary colour and gender for registered cats in Dandenong. While the City of Greater Dandenong has made every effort to ensure that...