12 datasets found

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  • Boat Licence Statistics

    Boat Licence issued and licences that are still current 1975 - 2014. When communicating with the Department about this dataset, please reference RBA014.
  • Boat Registrations

    New and currently registered recreational vessels for 2007 - 2023. When communicating with the Department about this dataset, please reference RBA011.
  • Bike Hire Locations

    Provides all the bike hiring locations that exist within the Adelaide City Council area.
  • Park Land Parks

    Provides locations and boundaries of each park within the Adelaide City Council area. Includes the traditional Kauran park name and common name (eg. Rymill Park /...
  • Picnic Tables

    This dataset provides locations of all the picnic tables that exist within the Adelaide City Council area.
  • Bike and Pedestrian Paths

    Displays the bicycle and pedestrian paths located throughout the Adelaide Park Lands surrounding the city. Information provided includes the path type ie. informal, path,...
  • Park Land Usage Total Visitation

    The data covers the estimated uses of the park lands for the following activities: Organised Sport & School Use, Events, Informal Recreation, Other destinations including...
  • BBQ's

    Provides locations of all the BBQ's that exist within the Adelaide City Council area. Co-ordinate System: Geographic Coordinate System: GCS_WGS_1984. Datum: D_WGS_1984. Prime...
  • Bike Cordon Counts

    Count of the number of bikes coming into and out of the city via major roads over a 12 hour period between 7am and 7pm. This cordon count (count of trips in and out of a...
  • Park Land Path Ring Route

    Displays the completion status of the path ring route that goes around the Adelaide Park Lands surrounding the city. Information provided includes the path and its completion...
  • Park Land Sporting Facilities

    Provides names, locations and boundaries of each sports oval/field or sporting location within the Adelaide City Council Park Lands area. Very basic information provided, no...
  • Sports and activity providers registered for sports vouchers

    Details of all providers registered with the Office for Recreation and Sport to accept Sport Vouchers.