5 datasets found

Organisations: SA Water

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  • Water Quality

    SA Water operate drinking water supplies across metropolitan, regional and remote Aboriginal communities within South Australia. They are extensively tested for health,...
  • Annual Report

    Data providing a comparison of operations. Includes key metrics relating to the statewide use of water and wastewater services, assets, consumption rates and costs.
  • Reservoir Volumes

    Contains the volume and location of water stored in the reservoirs supplying metropolitan Adelaide. Information is captured daily. The dataset contains the data collected on...
  • Residential and Business Water and Sewerage Charges

    SA Water state-wide prices for regulated water and sewerage services from 2012-13 onwards, applicable to the majority of customers. This includes residential, non-residential...
  • Regulatory Performance Data

    Performance outcomes against service standard targets, as reported annually to SA Water’s economic regulators, Essential Services Commission of South Australia (ESCOSA). The...