Modified landscapes with natural habitat character
This dataset indicates those modified landscapes that maintain habitat features that are critical to the conservation of biodiversity but do not get recognised (or mapped) as... -
Biodiversity mapping (interim)
This dataset indicates areas of native vegetation which contain known biodiversity values listed under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act 1999... -
Native Vegetation Floristic Areas - NVIS – Statewide
This dataset represents the State Government's key extant native floristic vegetation mapping layer for SA. It provides floristic and structural information (referred to as... -
Metropolitan Adelaide tree canopy, green spaces and built environment 2022
Tree canopy cover, green spaces, NDVI, building footprints and permeable surfaces datasets based on LiDAR data and high-resolution satellite multispectral imagery captured over... -
Metropolitan Adelaide tree canopy and built environment 2018/2019
Tree canopy cover, building footprints and permeable surfaces datasets based on LiDAR data and high-resolution satellite multispectral imagery captured over metropolitan... -
Metropolitan Adelaide urban heat mapping 2022
Urban heat mapping, heat islands and social vulnerability datasets based on thermal data captured over metropolitan Adelaide in 2022. -
River Murray Flood 2022
Boundary showing the extent of land flooded during the 2022/2023 flood event for the River Murray. -
South Australian climate projections (NARCliM 1.5)
Climate projections for South Australia based on data from the New South Wales and Australian Regional Climate Modelling project (NARCliM 1.5) and intended for use in planning... -
Emergency Services Map Book Extents
A polygon dataset showing the extent of each of the regional CFS Map Book series used for Emergency Management within South Australia. -
Levee Banks
The Levee Bank dataset provides a baseline of levee bank information utilising existing topographic data sources and a desktop assessment of field and survey information,... -
Emergency Services Map Book Pages
A polygon dataset showing the extent of each of the pages within the regional CFS Map Book series used for Emergency Management within South Australia. -
Adelaide Plains WAP T2 Aquifer Potentiometric Surface Contours
Contours representing the potentiometric surface of the groundwater pressure level in the T2 aquifer of the Adelaide Plains sub-basin in February 2022. -
Adelaide Plains WAP T1 Aquifer Potentiometric Surface Contours
Contours representing the potentiometric surface of the groundwater pressure level in the T1 aquifer of the Adelaide Plains sub-basin in February 2022. -
Watercourses in South Australia
A representation of South Australia’s surface water linear drainage network. Includes significant artificial drainage structures such as urban stormwater channels and the South... -
Marine Park Network Boundaries
This dataset identifies the land and waters within the SA Marine Parks Network Zoning which is dedicated to conservation under the Marine Parks Act 2007. The South Australian... -
South Australian Marine Benthic Habitats
Inshore benthic habitat mapping of the Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary, Adelaide Mount Lofty Ranges (AMLR), Yorke Peninsula, Eyre Peninsula, Upper Spencer Gulf, Upper Gulf St... -
Estuarine Habitats of South Australia
These datasets contain habitat mapping and outer boundaries for estuaries of South Australia. These estuaries were identified in the draft 'Estuaries Policy and Action Plan.' -
Benthic Habitat Survey Sites
Point data collected from video drops identifying benthic habitats such as seagrass, macroalgae and reef, collected during field work in 2007 to 2011. Used to support the... -
Native Vegetation Floristic Areas - Pre-European Settlement- Agricultural Region
This dataset represents the State Government's key Pre-European Settlement floristic vegetation mapping layer for the SA agricultural region. It identifies floristic composition... -
Locations of Phytophthora Infestations
This dataset contains the spatial locations of the opportunistically collected Phytophthora sp. infestation information contained in the DEWNR's Biological Database of South...