Consultants engaged by Renewal SA
A report of external consultants showing the name of the consultancy business, the purpose of each consultancy and the total $ value. -
SASP Target 64 - Renewable Energy
Support the development of renewable energy so that it comprises 33% of the state's electricity production by 2020. -
Complaints Received
Complaints received -
Fraud Detected
Number of instances of alleged fraud identified -
Executive Employment
Executive employment -
Work Health and Safety and Return to Work Performance
Work Health and Safety and Return to Work Performance -
Whistleblowers' Disclosure
Number of occasions on which public interest information has been disclosed to a responsible officer under the Whistleblowers Protection Act 1993. -
SASP Target 65 - GreenPower
Purchase renewable energy for 50% of the Government's own electricity needs by 2014. -
Horticulture Residues
ABS released data contains final estimates for data items collected in the 2014–15 Rural Environment and Agricultural Commodities Survey (REACS). The statistics on crop and... -
Agriculture Residues
ABS released data contains final estimates for data items collected in the 2014–15 Rural Environment and Agricultural Commodities Survey (REACS). The statistics on crop and... -
Livestock Residues
ABS released data contains final estimates for data items collected in the 2014–15 Rural Environment and Agricultural Commodities Survey (REACS). The statistics on livestock... -
Winery Residues
This dataset represents winery waste and was derived from crush volumes contained in the National Vintage Report, 2017, which is released jointly by Wine Australia, the... -
Diesel Generation Plants
The South Australian Diesel Generation Database (Database) contains publicly available information on the ownership, use, location and configuration of electricity producing,... -
Budget 2015-16 Tables and Data
The 2015-16 Budget is now available. This dataset is a collection of data sources from the 2015-16 State Budget, specifically Budget Statements. The Budget Statements consists... -
From data.gov.au SA Mineral and/or Opal Exploration Licenses
Abstract This dataset and its metadata statement were supplied to the Bioregional Assessment Programme by a third party and are presented here as originally supplied. Location... -
From data.gov.au 2021 SoE Urban Key renewable energy sources, 2002–03 to 2018–19
This data was used by the Department of Agriculture, Water and Environment to produce Figure 12 in the Urban chapter of the 2021 Australian State of the Environment Report. -
From data.gov.au Saving the seas: the economic justification for marine reserves: WORKING PAPER
This record describes, and links to a working paper produced through the Crawford School of Economics and Government at The Australian National University in Canberra. We... -
From data.gov.au Cod today and none tomorrow: the economic value of a marine reserve: WORKING ...
This record describes, and links to a working paper produced through the Crawford School of Economics and Government at The Australian National University in Canberra. Using... -
From data.gov.au The economic payoffs from marine reserves: resource rents in a stochastic env...
This record describes, and links to a working paper produced through the Crawford School of Economics and Government at The Australian National University in Canberra. The... -
From data.gov.au Australian Government Water Recovery Programs in the Murray-Darling Basin - 2...
To return the Murray–Darling river system to health, the Murray–Darling Basin Plan requires recovery of surface water and groundwater for the environment. The government has...