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Cost of Living Concessions

The South Australian Government provides the Cost of Living Concession to assist those on low or fixed incomes with any of their cost of living expenses, whether that be electricity, water, gas or medical bills.

2016-17 Cost of Living Concession recipients: Total number of recipients 180,513

Homeowner-occupier recipients 150,212 Homeowner-occupier recipients as % of total recipients 83%

Tenant recipients 30,311 Tenant recipients as % of total recipients 17%

A subset of homeowner-occupiers and tenants are the Commonwealth Seniors Health Card recipients 7,834 Commonwealth Seniors Health Card recipients as % of total recipients 4%

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Title Cost of Living Concessions
Type Dataset
Language English
Licence Creative Commons Attribution
Data Status active
Update Frequency annually
Landing Page https://data.sa.gov.au/data/dataset/386dbed1-5d1f-46c3-bb48-9a44f98048af
Date Published 2016-07-07
Date Updated 2018-07-11
Temporal Coverage 2014-07-01 - 2018-06-30
Geospatial Coverage South Australia
Jurisdiction Government of South Australia
Data Portal data.sa.gov.au
Publisher/Agency Department of Human Services