ISO19115/ISO19139 XML
Driver Licensing - Practical Driving Tests
Data and Resources
Practical Driving Tests All Classes 2018CSV
The extract is showing for each licence class the number of tests that had a...
Practical driving tests all classes 2019CSV
The extract is showing for each licence class the number of tests that had a...
Practical driving tests all classes 2020CSV
The extract is showing for each licence class the number of tests that had a...
Practical driving tests all classes 2021CSV
The extract is showing for each licence class the number of tests that had a...
Practical driving tests all classes 2022CSV
The extract is showing for each licence class the number of tests that had a...
Practical driving tests all classes 2023CSV
The extract is showing for each licence class the number of tests that had a...
Additional Info
Field | Value |
Title | Driver Licensing - Practical Driving Tests |
Type | Dataset |
Language | eng |
Licence | Creative Commons Attribution |
Data Status | active |
Update Frequency | annual |
Landing Page | https://data.sa.gov.au/data/dataset/96763dd3-0b6d-4f45-a5e2-bdef8f50c009 |
Date Published | 2024-12-18 |
Date Updated | 2024-12-19 |
Temporal Coverage | 2018-01-01 |
Geospatial Coverage | SA0062407: South Australia |
Jurisdiction | Government of South Australia |
Data Portal | data.sa.gov.au |
Publisher/Agency | Department for Infrastructure and Transport |