Greater Adelaide Planning Region
The Greater Adelaide Planning Region is the planning region constituting Greater Adelaide (clause 5) established as part of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016. -
SA Government Schools by type and region
SA Government Schools by the type of school and whether they are located in the metropolitan area or in the country, from 2012. -
Students with a disability by school year level and region
Full-time equivalent enrolments of students with a disability from 2013 by school year and region, collected as part of the annual enrolment data collection in Term 3. Students... -
CFS Volunteers
Number of CFS Volunteers in each Region. -
Workforce Data
This data set is a compilation of various publically available data sources that contain content relating to workforce planning and profiling in South Australia The data set... -
Regional profile Yorke & Mid North
Regional profile tables containing gross regional product and output, employment, household income and expenditure, and trade. The tables are estimates derived as part of the... -
Regional profile South Australia
Regional profile tables containing gross regional product and output, employment, household income and expenditure, and trade. The tables are estimates derived as part of the... -
Regional profile Adelaide Hills
Regional profile tables containing gross regional product and output, employment, household income and expenditure, and trade. The tables are estimates derived as part of the... -
Regional profile Barossa
Regional profile tables containing gross regional product and output, employment, household income and expenditure, and trade. The tables are estimates derived as part of the... -
Regional profile Far North
Regional profile tables containing gross regional product and output, employment, household income and expenditure, and trade. The tables are estimates derived as part of the... -
Regional profile Fleurieu & KI
Regional profile tables containing gross regional product and output, employment, household income and expenditure, and trade. The tables are estimates derived as part of the... -
Regional profile Eyre & Western
Regional profile tables containing gross regional product and output, employment, household income and expenditure, and trade. The tables are estimates derived as part of the... -
Regional profile Eastern Adelaide
Regional profile tables containing gross regional product and output, employment, household income and expenditure, and trade. The tables are estimates derived as part of the... -
Regional profile Murray & Mallee
Regional profile tables containing gross regional product and output, employment, household income and expenditure, and trade. The tables are estimates derived as part of the... -
Regional profile Limestone Coast
Regional profile tables containing gross regional product and output, employment, household income and expenditure, and trade. The tables are estimates derived as part of the... -
Regional profile Southern Adelaide
Regional profile tables containing gross regional product and output, employment, household income and expenditure, and trade. The tables are estimates derived as part of the... -
Regional profile Western Adelaide
Regional profile tables containing gross regional product and output, employment, household income and expenditure, and trade. The tables are estimates derived as part of the... -
Regional, national and global winegrape bearing areas, 2000 and 2010
A compendium of data on winegrape bearing areas by variety and region for 44 countries for the years 2000 and 2010. There are two data files: National and global file, 2000 and... -
Compendium of Grape and Wine Data for Australia's Wine Regions, 1999-2008
A compendium of data on wine and grape production in winegrape bearing regions in Australia. There are four sheets that record data by region: 1) wine variables; 2) yield for... -
From data.gov.au Noosa Localities and postcodes
Noosa locality region and postcodes Although all due care has been take to ensure that this data is correct, no warranty is expressed or implied by the Noosa Shire council in...