Popular Baby Names
List of male and female baby names in South Australia from 1944 to 2024. The annual data for baby names is published January/February each year. -
State Electorates
State Electoral District boundaries as determined by the Electoral Districts Boundaries Commission -
Boat Licence Statistics
Boat Licence issued and licences that are still current 1975 - 2014. When communicating with the Department about this dataset, please reference RBA014. -
South Australian Retirement Villages Register
Information about registered retirement villages in South Australia including name, address and number of residences. Further information about retirement villages can be found... -
Intended destination by reason
Intended destination (eg employment, further education) of students who have left the SA government school system or moved schools within the SA government school system. Data... -
Community Safety Education Engagements
Data includes the number of participants in the program over the last 5 years. -
City of Adelaide Census of Land Use and Employment
Provides a statistical snapshot of the City’s employment by industry and location. The census also captures parking and venue capacities however for simplicity this data has not... -
Dog Registrations
List of dogs registered in Adelaide City Council area (Adelaide and North Adelaide) for a particular period. Information provided includes dog name, breed, period, gender,... -
Customer Calls Categorised
Each interaction is categorised within the Contact Centre Telephony application - Customer Interaction Centre (CIC) at the end of each interaction using what is known as a... -
City Library Daily Door Count
Captures the total number of people entering the City Library - daily count. -
Customer Call Types
Pathway is the application used to log each interaction received via the ACC Customer Centre (phone calls, emails, counter visits and web chats). Each interaction is logged by a... -
Customer Interaction Volumes
The Interaction Volumes are determined from our Contact Centre Telephony application - Customer Interaction Centre (CIC). CIC handles and routes all calls, emails, and web chats... -
Captures the number of people actively volunteering at Adelaide City Council and the number of hours worked. -
Park Land Toilets
Provides locations of all the toilets that exist within the Adelaide City Council Park Lands and squares. Co-ordinate System: Geographic Coordinate System: GCS_WGS_1984. Datum:... -
Drinking Fountains
This dataset provides locations of all the drinking fountains that exist within the Adelaide City Council area. -
Historic Photos of Adelaide
Historic photographs of Adelaide including buildings, parklands, statues and other significant structures and sites, former Lord Mayors of Adelaide and other significant persons... -
City Library Usage for the 1st year
Captures usage of the City Library from when it opened through the first 12 months. Includes number of items borrowed & items returned, number of visitors, number of new... -
Park Land Path Ring Route
Displays the completion status of the path ring route that goes around the Adelaide Park Lands surrounding the city. Information provided includes the path and its completion... -
Fees & Charges
This dataset provides a list of all the fees and charges that exist within Adelaide City Council along with the GST, authority and legislative types. Files are included from... -
UPark Car Parks - Available Spaces
Displays the number of current car parking spaces available at each of the UPark car parks located in the city. Further information re UPark locations, operating hours, rates...