Hackathon sparks new ideas for community

Mount Gambier Library was a flurry of activity from 7-9 September as it once again hosted one of South Australia’s GovHack competitions.

GovHack, the annual open data hackathon, brings together creative minds at various locations around Australia. Competitors of all skill levels use open data to pitch innovative solutions to everyday problems faced by Australians, often in the form of a phone app. 

This year, the Mount Gambier Library attracted 45 participants who formed 11 teams. The teams submitted 12 completed project videos, contributing to one third of South Australian GovHack entries. ​

The entries included Connected, a kiosk app designed for members of the community to access within their local library. The library is designed to boost mental health and wellbeing by making them feel more connected to local services and encouraging greater participation in community activities. 

​When asked about GovHack, the youth node team said they "appreciate the time and commitment by volunteers, mentors, leaders and helpers" and that it is a "great opportunity to express ideas". The adult node team also recommended the competition for young competitors, saying that it is a "great experience to prepare for the future". 

Ms Terasa Nearmy, Library Youth Services Coordinator, was delighted with the response to the competition.

"Statistics from data.gov.au show that, when compared to population density, Mount Gambier boasted the greatest number of hackers - it's a great achievement."

For more information, visit the GovHack website.